How much salt do crabs put on their food?
Just a pinch.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you all had a great week!
We had a pretty good week! We set a date with our investigator Alain! He is the one from France, who doesn't have a religious background. We saw him pretty much ever day this week, we had to start from the very basics with him. We have really focused on prayers, and telling him to pray morning and night! It has been amazing to watch him come to know he has a Father in Heaven, and a Savior who died for him. We asked if he had been praying, and he told us that God talked back! Oh, it was music to our ears! We asked him if he would say the closing prayer, he didn't even reply he just started praying. He started out in English and finished in French, so we didn't know what he said. But thank goodness for Sister Arick and her translation skills. She told us he said; " Dear Heavenly Father, I hope you are their. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen." Isnt it amazing that God answers everyone prayers even if they are as simple and basic as that? Every time we see him, his countenance changes. I am eternally grateful that I get to be apart of this!
Wherefore I could not be shaken. This scripture really stood out to me. This always makes me question where is my testimony at? Am I built upon a sandy or a rocky foundation? I challenge you to ask yourself. See where you are at! Because this life is stinking hard! But, why make it even harder than it needs to be, that is the whole reason we have the Gospel Of Jesus Christ. It makes life easier! It makes life simple. Keep it simple stupid( that always goes through my head). This Gospel isn't rocket science. It is so simple a child can understand it! Everyday I see people who don't have a strong foundation, they let the winds of the world shake their faith.
Jacob 7:5 And he had hope to shake me from the faith, notwithstanding the many revelations and the many things which I had seen concerning these things; for I truly had seen angels, and they had ministered unto me. And also, I had heard the voice of the Lord speaking unto me in very word, from time to time; wherefore, I could not be shaken.
1. Thanksgiving day!!
2. Me making a pie!
3. AHHHH!!!
Sister J